Friday, January 22, 2016

Dino Mania!

 I sort of forget how single-minded I become when I start working on a project.

Tom and I finally got our crib set up, and I decided I wanted to make some accessories to go with the crib bedding.  Initially I looked at pillows on Etsy, but eventually I stumbled across some felt dinosaur patterns (here) that would nicely complement a painting I am planning to paint for the nursery.

I bought the pattern online, and the supplies were a quick stop at Michael's for felt, embroidery thread, pipe cleaners and polyester stuffing.  The dinosaur pattern was called, "Angry Dinos", which didn't quite fit with my girl-themed nursery, so I modified the pattern so that the dinosaurs were a bit friendlier looking.

Once I started stitching... It basically took over my life. In this case, single-minded could probably be better described as "obsessive compulsive." Every spare moment, you could find me sitting on the couch cutting felt, pinning fabric, sewing or stuffing dinosaurs. At one point, I even wondered if it would be acceptable if I brought parts of the project on the train with me so I could sew on my way to and from work.  Ultimately, I decided that I was taking it to a whole new level of crazy. I stand by my decision to keep everything at home...

Regardless, I am very pleased with the results. The dinosaurs are not very sturdy, being hand-sewn. So I don't think our daughter-to-be will really be able to ever play with them. But they make great decorations!

Crib & crib bedding.

Friendly dinosaurs!

Close-up of the dinosaurs.

And when I finally finished stitching everything, I found myself buying a second set of felt patterns from a DIFFERENT Etsy store (here), and stitching a new set of dinosaurs.  These guys are more three dimensional, and cute in a whole new way!

 I burned through the sewing and stuffing of these two in a couple of days while recuperating from a cold that Tom infected me with earlier this week. There's nothing like drinking orange juice and ginger ale while stitching and watching TV for eight hours straight...

More dinos!

I'm relieved that I am now officially done this, and I can move on to the next project. And... The next project is currently taking over our kitchen table-- I am painting away! More on that in weeks to come.

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