Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Emerald Lake 2015

Christmas has come and gone in it's regular whirlwind of food, family and friends. 2016 is just around the corner, and Ashley, Andrew, Tom and I thought we'd cram one more short getaway into 2015.

Lodges at Emerald Lake.

Destination-- Emerald Lake, just off of Highway 1, outside of Field, BC. We went to Emerald Lake three years ago at about the same time of year (just after Christmas), and enjoyed it enough to go again.

Emerald Lake is a bit isolated. There's no cell signal, WiFi in the lodge only, and no TV's in the guest room. So if you go, you go to enjoy other people's company, and to enjoy the outdoors. Being winter, it's a bit chilly, but we lucked out in that it was about -4 to -9 degrees. In other words, not too cold, and good weather for winter sports.

It was quite the winter wonderland at the lake. They have received a ton of snow so far, and there was a little more while we were visiting. We rented snowshoes and snowshoed around the lake-- although in retrospect, the path was so packed down, we probably could have walked without the snowshoes.

Me snowshoeing in the trees.

The whole trip around the lake took us about two hours, and there were plenty of other people out and about walking and cross-country skiing on the trails around the lodge.

Ashley and I pause for a photo op.

Tom, myself, Ashley and Andrew.

When we finished our snowshoe, Tom, Ashley and Andrew took a dip in the hot tub. I would have loved to join them, but hot tubs are a no-no for pregnant ladies. They can raise your core temperature which can cause problems with developing cells in your baby. So Squash (the butternut squash sized baby) and I relaxed in the room, and swung by the hot tub clubhouse to take some pictures.

Relaxing in the hot tub.

The hot tub also has a pretty awesome view of the mountains and the lake.

View from the hot tub.

Overall, we only spent two nights at Emerald Lake. But we ate some good food, got a bit of exercise, and watched a movie on Andrew's laptop. We had good company, and plenty of quiet time. It was a good way to recharge after the bustle of Christmas.

To everyone reading, have a safe and happy New Year!

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