Monday, December 7, 2015

Christmas Bakeathon V6.0

Arguably, one of my favourite days of the year is when my girlfriends and I get together to do our annual Christmas bakeathon. This is our sixth year running, and at this point, we pretty much operate as a well-oiled machine. Recipes that bake at the same temperature are cooked at the same time, there is always a batch of cookies waiting to go in, and at the end of the afternoon, someone is always missing a set of measuring cups, parchment paper, or ends up with a mystery baking sheet.

This year, we all selected two recipes (with the exception of the very ambitious Paige, who baked three), making for a total of eleven recipes. Our haul/swap included:

Rice Krispies with all the toppings!

Peppermint/candy cane sugar cookies with frosting

Lemon shortbread tarts


My personal favourite-- salted caramel chocolate chip cookie bars (the only repeat from last year).

Chocolate dipped macaroons

Classic Shortbread

Chocolate caramel brownie

And last, but not least...Melted snowman sugar cookies. The melted snowmen make me super happy. They just look so sad and demented!

This is probably not the most convenient time for all this sugar to be sitting around the house, because my gestational diabetes test is next week! So I've frozen some of it, and I'll be giving some away to friends and family to enjoy. As I type this, Egg (the eggplant sized baby) is giving me some good kicks in belly. I take this to mean that she doesn't want me to give away any cookies. But we can't eat them all, because I don't want her to be a 10 lb baby!

The Christmas Bakeathon has become the unofficial event that kicks off the Christmas season for me. I'm looking forward to seeing more family and friends in the weeks to come!

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