Monday, November 30, 2015

So Long, Movember!

It's that time of year again!

I am happy to report that Tom did not participate in Movember this year, and he has also NOT been growing a crazy beard like he did last year. However, 11 members of my team at work DID participate in Movember. At the time of this blog, they have raised $4820, and are ranked as the 335th team in the nation (too bad I don't know how many teams there are in the nation). Still, pretty awesome, and their fundraising total will continue to climb as our company does charity gift matching for donations over $25.

My contributions to the wrap-up this afternoon were the delightful moustache cupcakes featured above. They were gobbled up by one and all in no time flat.

Congrats to all those who participated in this great cause!

For more information about Movember, you can check it out here:

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