Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Kauai: Sights and Sand

The remaining days of our vacation passed quickly and quietly. Although the last few days were more overcast and rainy, we still caught snatches of sunshine, and it was consistently warm.

We saw sunsets...

And rainbows.

We snorkeled off seemingly empty beaches.

And used a series of ropes and stairs to get down to hidden beaches.

We went out to the Kileau Lighthouse and wildlife preserve to check out the many different species of birds that nest on the jagged cliffs.

The wildlife preserve is overrun with Nene, the state bird of Hawaii. Nene appear to be very similar to Canadian geese-- just a little less hostile. We saw some toddlers getting pretty close to some of the birds, and we were sure that if anyone had gotten that close to a Canadian goose, they would find themselves being chased by a hissing, angry bird.

We ate breakfast on our balcony each morning.

And made use of the waterslides at the condo/hotel pool.

And we took in whatever remaining sights we could fit in. Including waterfalls and taro fields.

And we only saw a few creepy spiders.

Nothing beats Hawaii. I anticipate it is going to be a long time before Tom and I have another holiday like this one, and I think we did all we could to enjoy it.

For now, it's back to reality and snow.

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