Monday, May 20, 2013

Self Diagnosed

With one week until race day (my second official half marathon!), I have self diagnosed myself with what I have come to think of as "Runner's Paranoia."

Runner's Paranoia is probably not an uncommon conditions for runners in their final week before a race. Symptoms include (but are not limited to), possible sore throat ("Oh no! I'm getting a cold, better take Cold FX"), heel pain ("Dear God, I'm getting plantar fasciitis!"), burning in the shin area ("It has to be SHIN SPLINTS!") and sore knees ("Could this be illiotibial syndrome!?"). Basically, you think you have suddenly developed every malady a runner fears while training for a race. Throw in some blisters and some bruised toe-nails, and full-blown paranoia sets in.

At this point, I really do think I'm getting shin splints-- they occur when lower legs are overstressed, and small tears in the leg muscles where they attach to the shin. However, the pain is very minimal (1 on a scale of 1 to 10), and once this week is done, I can have some serious rest!

I am looking to break my half marathon time from last year 2:13:14-- and I don't anticipate any problems doing this. I'll be out Sunday morning, bright and early.

Think good thoughts for me!!

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