Thursday, May 30, 2013

Awesome Possum

Many of you know that my friend, Ed, featured here, moved to Australia with his fiance in late 2012. Ed now calls Brisbane his home, and is settling in to his new surroundings in the land down under.
A few weeks ago he found a possum hiding under his barbeque.

He either scared the possum, or woke it up (or both), and it high-tailed it out of there.
But not before it stopped to flex its muscles-- just to show Ed who's boss. Luckily Ed has phone with him, and was able to snap some photos of the possum in action.

I had no idea that possums would do this kind of thing-- they flex their muscles to demonstrate aggression or dominance. I loved it when Ed posted the photos on Facebook, and thought I would share them.

Thanks, Ed!

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