Monday, May 27, 2013


Me and my dad at the Scotiabank Marathon.

On Sunday I completed my second half marathon, another 21.1km!

I had high expectations for this race. I have been training five times a week for the last 18 weeks, and I have only missed three training runs during that time. Despite my rampant runners paranoia, when compared to last year, I felt much better after and during all of my runs. I had been training with a goal time of 2:05 in mind, and I felt certain I could beat that-- maybe even break the 2 hour mark!

As you can see, I finished my race with a respectable 2:10:56. Not nearly as speedy as I'd hoped, but still a personal best (last year's run was 2:13:14)!

I had to fight some disappointment as I felt my pace slowing over the course of the race. By the 12km mark, I knew I wouldn't be able to make up the time to meet my goal.

However, lesson learned! You never know how a race will turn out-- and personal best (even if it's not the one you are hoping for) is nothing to turn your nose up at!

To quote one of my co-workers, "Your personal best is where it's at!"

My training will continue in preparation for the SeaWheeze Half Marathon in Vancouver on August 10th! I'll be running this race with Ashley and Andrew, and I'm looking forward to trying out a new course.

Here are a couple shots that Ashley managed to snap of me while I was nearing the finish line on Sunday.

Thanks to my dad, Steve, Jeff, Billy, Ashley and Andy who came out to cheer me on!

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