Sunday, June 2, 2013

Thai Cooking Class

Last year Tom and I did a Vietnamese cooking class through Cookbook Cook Company as a Christmas gift from his parents. Since then, we've used the recipes we learned on many occasions. This year, as another Christmas present, Ashley, Andrew, Tom and I signed up for a Thai cooking class with the same company.

I must have taken over 50 pictures during the three hour class, but in the end, most of the photos will showcase the final products. There was just too much going on to show it all!

When we arrived in class, we self-separated ourselves into two tables, each with about 12 participants. The ingredients for each dish were laid out neatly on baking sheets, and we each had chopping boards and knives set out in front of us. With some debate, we each chose a dish to prep. Andrew and Ashley chose Pad Thai, Tom and I chose Massaman Curry Beef & Potatoes.

For the first 45 minutes or so, the kitchen was noisy with chopping and questions, as we each followed our recipes. But eventually, dishes were completed, and we hungrily scarfed them down.

Chicken Satay & Spicy Banana Salsa

The first dish up-- and one of my favourites from the day, was chicken satay and spicy banana salsa. I've never had banana salsa before, and it was quite tasty! Interestingly, the bananas in the dish were a solid green. I wouldn't have considered eating them, let alone using them for a salsa! These dishes were each divided on separate plates. It was quite a process to see 26 plates being plated at once.

Thai Shrimp Noodle Salad

Next up was a cold Thai Shrimp Noodle Salad. This dish had a mixture of flavours-- sweetness from pineapple, sour from citrus, and tangy from the dressing. It was also loaded up with basil and cilantro for a very fresh taste.

Coconut Chicken Soup

The next course, Coconut Chicken Soup, was probably my least favourite of the day. It was still a good soup, but it probably would have been better with some green curry in the broth. It was interesting to watch the two ladies who made this dish. They boiled the broth with lemongrass, bay leaves, and various other spices, and then they spent a lot of time fishing them all of the soup before we ate it. This soup was fragrant and spicy, and very light.

Massaman Curry Beef & Potatoes

Making curry from scratch as an interesting process that neither Tom or I had done before. It involved cardamon, cinnamon, cloves, cumin and coriander. We had to fry them, grind them with a mortar and pestle, and then blend everything in a food processor. The curry itself was very flavourful, but we ended up simmering the meat too long-- it was very tough and chewy when it was time to eat. I think we'd probably use some better quality beef if we were to make this dish again.

Tom and I, post Massaman Curry making.

 The last dish of the day to be made (but not consumed), was the Pad Thai. The chef explained that Pad Thai should be cooked and eaten immediately, because if it was left to sit, it would be come a congealed mass. I think we can all agree that no one wants to eat a congealed mass.

Ashley concentrating on cutting green onions.

 Pad Thai ingredients ready to cook.

Ashley and Andrew, prepping their egg mixture.

After the chef did a quick demonstration of stir-frying, he opened up the floor to let one of the pad thai cooks take over at the wok. Andrew took over, which the other women declared was very convenient, because the wok was very large, and Andrew had such very long arms!

Action shot of Andrew stir-frying.

With that, we consumed the rest of our main course, along with some Portugese white wine, Broadbent Vinho Verde.

Pad Thai and Massaman Curry, served with rice.

Last, but not least, we enjoyed some mango coconut macaroons. Let me tell you, this recipe will be used again, and again, and again. I love macaroons! Adding mango to them was a stroke of genius!

Coconut Mango Macaroons

And finally... Thai Mango Ice Cream. Dear. God. I think every person in the class was convinced that they would need to purchase an ice cream maker directly following the class so that they could make this ice cream again. The top was sprinkled with roasted coconut and cardamon-- it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

Thai Mango Ice Cream

I think Tom and I are going to make the Chicken Satay and Spicy Banana Salsa for dinner one day this week. Can't wait!

Thanks, Barb and Dave! Another delicious Christmas gift!

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