Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Harvard - Cambridge

On our second full day in Boston, Tom and I set out to explore Chinatown, and the waterfront. Although it is possible that we are now snobs since our trip to China, we did not see too much of interest in Chinatown. However, on our way to the waterfront we came across this bizarre mural on a building at Dewey Square. The mural is a piece of public art by Brazilian street art twins, Os Gemeos.

Building mural.

Around this time, the sun started shining, and we enjoyed some much needed warmth while we strolled along the water.

Boston Waterfront, me holding a bag of pork buns from Chinatown.

Boston Waterfront. 

From here, we made our way back to the red-line of the metro so we could make our way into Cambridge to meet up with Martha again. This time she took us on a quick tour of the undergraduate area of Harvard, as well as the Harvard Business School. The campus is a lot smaller than I'd imagined!

On Harvard Campus.

Steps to library.

Harvard Business School.

Harvard Residence building.

It was a long weekend on campus, so there weren't very many people around.

After our quick tour, Tom and I headed back to our hotel so we could get ready to do a long run along the Charles River. With my half marathon training in full swing, I needed to run about 12km. We found the distance from our hotel back to Harvard Business School (HBS) was about 6km. Along the way, we passed MIT, and even helped some people find HBS (yeah, we totally looked like local experts). We rounded out our trip with another huge seafood meal at Atlantic Fish. More lobster!

The next morning we were off to the airport to catch our flight home.

A whirlwind of a trip, but well worth it!

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