Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Tom and I travelled to Boston this weekend to visit a friend who is attending the Harvard Business School.
Our flight left Logan International at 11:15am on Monday morning. On our way to the airport, the driver chided us for not sticking around to take in the marathon. In fact, I was a bit sad that we were leaving without seeing the festivities. Hours later when we landed at home and turned on our phones, they both lit up with e-mails, texts and instant messages-- everyone wanting to know where we were, and if we were still in Boston. It hit close to home to learn that the finish line of the Boston Marathon had been bombed.
When we got home we turned on CNN, and realized that the explosions took place directly outside the restaurant that we had eaten dinner at the night before. It made me remember that when we were leaving the restaurant, there was a sign taped to a lamp post that read, "MILE 26: Amber, I love you so much. Won't you be my wife?"
Marathons are supposed to be an occasion for celebration.They are the kind of events that family and friends come out to spectate, and people you've never met before stand on the sidelines and cheer for you as you run by. The spirit and camaraderie at running events is something I have never experienced anywhere else. People train for months, or years to qualify for the Boston Marathon. It breaks my heart to see such an inspiring event end with such a malevolent act of violence. I have been thinking of all the visiting runners, locals, and first-responders all day.
With so many videos and photos of the marathon, I think it can be only a matter of time before the individuals responsible are caught, and quite frankly, I look forward to that day.
In the meantime, I'd like to share some of the sights in Boston that Tom and I saw over the weekend. Later this week I will post some photos from our trip. Let them be a reminder that Boston is a beautiful city, and will continue to be a beautiful city.

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