Friday, December 31, 2010

What the New Year Will Bring

2010 has been an incredibly busy year.

I started a new job with a new team.

I hiked 47km, carrying everything I needed for four days in a backpack.

I spent two weeks in the tropics-- first Hawaii, and then Moorea in French Polynesia.

I made new friends.

I married my best friend.

I gained a new branch of family.

I cheered for my oldest friend as she packed up her life and moved to Vancouver.

I found myself in some bizarre circumstances... Who is that skeleton, and why is Jeff wearing that cap?

And even MORE bizarre circumstances...

My 26 years have taught me that a New Year will bring many new things

This year I expect...

A new baby niece in February. My 2 year old nephew will soon have a baby sister. If you ask him, he is not interested in having a baby sister. But he is very excited to have a "Big Boy" bed with car sheets.

A much anticipated visit from a friend in Toronto.

A second attempt at cross-country skiing. I'll try not to hate it as much this time.

A road race. I'm going to do one this year! I'm not sure about the distance yet, but this is the year!

More than anything, I expect this New Year will bring many, many surprises. I am certain I will be prepared for some of them, but undoubtedly, many will catch me off guard.

Good luck to everyone in 2011!

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