Sunday, December 12, 2010

Have You Seen This Phone?

I have been cell phoneless for the last week. Sometime on Tuesday afternoon, I noticed my cell phone was missing!

LG Xenon

I remember texting Tom on Monday as I was getting on the bus. I do that every day to tell him which bus I'm on so he can get on the same one a few stops down the line. I remember after I sat down I was holding the phone in my left hand and holding my book with the right. I often hang on to the phone so that I will actually hear or feel the phone vibrate if Tom calls or texts me back. There have been many times when I have shoved the phone back into my purse, and then missed a call or text because I'm totally oblivious to everything going on around me when I start reading.

Unfortunately, I don't remember what happened after that. Did I leave the phone on the bus? Did I put it in purse? Did it fall out somewhere else? I have no idea. I left a message on the Calgary Transit Lost Property line, but I haven't heard anything back. I can't find the phone at home, at work or in our car. And unfortunately, the battery is dead-- so it goes straight to voicemail when I call it.

It's not really a big loss. It was a cheap phone, and as I've discovered over the past five months, not a very good phone. It has excellent battery life (I only need to charge it once a week), and I liked the full QWERTY keyboard, but you have to unlock the touch screen at least four times when you are checking voicemail, and sometimes when I make calls, all I hear is a high frequency screeching when the line connects. The biggest pain is that I've lost all my contact numbers that were stored on the phone.

Eventually I'll buy a new phone. In the interm, I've reactivated my old chunky flip phone. I don't mind. I love this phone! This Samsung was my Ol' Faithful. I used it for over four years and never had any problems with it. Plus, as an added bonus, it has most of my contacts in it-- with the exception of missing a few new numbers.

Samsung SPH-a920
I've been trying to decide if I'll get a Smart phone. I'm hesitant to do so, because I don't use my phone too much anyway. My plan has 200 minutes (which I have never, in four years, gone over) and 250 texts (which I have never used all of). I also pay about $35/month. I like the idea of being able to check my e-mail, or of carrying my music on the phone as well. But I can check my e-mail at any other computer, and I already have an iPod. So... Is it really worth it?

I will continue to mull this over.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or recommendations for a new phone!

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