Friday, December 3, 2010

100+ Cookies

As far as I'm concerned, the warm and fragrant smell of gingerbread is the smell of Christmas. Gingerbread is a precursor to decorated trees, wrapped presents, snow, hot chocolate and turkey dinners.

Today, Mallary, Jill, Christina, Jasmine and I spent the afternoon rolling, baking and decorating gingerbread and sugar cookies. We had over 100 cookies-- they just kept coming off the pans!

Multiple cookies cutters maximize production!

Dozens of cookies stacked in a pan.

More cookies on the cooling rack.

In the past when I've decorated cookies, I've always used store bought tubes of icing. This year, Mallary wanted to make use of the bags of icing sugar taking up room in her cupboards. She made icing in her stand mixer, and we created our own colours with food colouring. Red turned out as pink, orange turned out a little peachy, and blue and green were shades of pastel.

Mixing up icing.

We spooned icing into Ziploc bags and piped icing from them. We used Smarties, Swedish Berries, Gummy Bears and sprinkles to decorate.

Evil Santa.

A plethora of colours.

Tom and I have already gorged on the cookies I brought home. Those were some tasty cookies! I'm sure they'll be gone by the end of the weekend.

An excellent start to the month of December!

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