Monday, September 6, 2010

Not Your Ordinary Night

This is our condo:

And yes. That is police tape.

It was a pretty typical Friday night for Tom and I. We went out for dinner and to a movie. Our window was open when we went to bed, because it was fairly hot out that day. And as we went to sleep, we could hear the sound of one of our neighbours having a party. The sounds bounces between the condo buildings, so it's difficult to say where the party was occurring.

At 2:30am, I woke up to a loud noise. My first thought (in my groggy state) was that someone was trying to steal our BBQ. Quickly I realized that was stupid, and convinced myself I should go back to sleep.

But after a few minutes of laying there, I hear the sound of someone calling for someone else. Since the voice is right outside our window, Tom wakes up. The voice is urgent and panicky. We pull back the curtains, and pull the window open the rest of the way. There is a guy laying unconscious about 3m away from our balcony. His friend is calling 911.

So we hear the friend explain to the dispatch operator that his friend just fell from the fifth floor balcony.

And that loud noise I heard? Well, that was the sound of him hitting the metal awning over our balcony on the way down.

While the paramedics were on their way, we could hear the sound of the guy's laboured breathing. He did not sound good. At the very least, he was bleeding from the head and had a broken arm. He remained unconscious even when the paramedics arrived, and took him off to the hospital. For the next 40 minutes there were fire rescue and police milling around outside our bedroom window. The police were the last to leave, sectioning off the area with tape as they left.

As far as we can tell, no one has come back since the accident. Tom and I have looked through the Herald to see if there was any information, but we haven't turned up anything. I assume the guy is still in the hospital. I don't imagine you walk away unscathed from a five story fall.

Definitely not your ordinary night.

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