Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ever Closer

The big day is creeping ever closer!

Things have been so busy, it's hard to believe there are only four more days until we're married.

But first-- there's some business to take care of!

A big congratulations to Amy & Scott! The newest addition to their family, Skogan Matthew, was born at 11:38am on Tuesday, September 14. Skogan was 7 pounds and 4 oz. He is likely the luckiest little newborn around, considering how awesome his parents are!

A belated Happy Birthday to my birthday twin-- Tammy!

An even bigger HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew, Dylan, who turned 2 years old yesterday. His mom and dad had a birthday party for him on Sunday. It was his first time blowing out candles. And was he ever excited when he got the hang of opening up presents!

Rehearsal dinner coming up on Thursday night!

Flowers to pick up on Friday. Family come into town.

Busy, busy!

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