Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One Month To Go!

This weekend was a busy one. With only five more weeks until the wedding, taking care of details has become a little more urgent than before.

On Friday I had a hair trial with my stylist, Naomi Lewis. I showed her multiple print-outs of some hairstyles, and then in my haphazard way, tried to describe the variations that I wanted on those styles.

"Like this, but lower. And like this, but with a bit more volume. And maybe less "messy" looking... If possible?"

Somehow, out of my incoherent string of words, she managed to figure out what I wanted.

From the back!

And later that night as I disassembled my hair, I wondered how it was possible that she had gotten so many bobby-pins in my hair. This is what 42 bobby pins look like.

42 bobby pins jammed in my scalp.

After the hair trial, I went to have a dress fitting. The tiny Asian seamstress scolded me for forgetting my shoes!

"Bad! Very bad! Shoes very important! You must come back again with shoes!"

Saturday was a birthday celebration for Tom's grandma, Ethel. Ethel is now officially 90 years old! If I were to meet her all over again, I would never guess that she's 90. She's still as sharp and witty as ever, and she's mobile too!

Ashley, Ethel and I, posing with the cake.

On Sunday, I went to my bridal shower, hosted by Ashley and Heather.

Only one word can describe it: FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm ashamed to admit, it never really occured to me how much work is involved in organizing a shower. But Ashley and Heather thought of everything! Tasty cocktails, snacks, shower favours, games, prizes... Plus, I was showered with generous and thoughtful gifts!!!

Unfortunately... The shower allowed some questionable events to be captured on camera. Hopefully those don't come back to haunt me...

I got dressed in the dark.

I had a really good time. I had one of those moments were I thought, "Wow, I really really have great friends." It was nice to see people from all differents parts of my life mingling in one room.

These next few weeks are full of appointments and lists of "Things to do" so the wedding day runs smoothly. Exactly one month to go!

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