Monday, October 9, 2017

Our First Turkey

Now that we are in a house, we finally had the space and seating to host our first Thanksgiving! Not only was this our time first hosting of a major holiday, but also our first time making a turkey. Keep in mind, when I say, "our first time making a turkey," I actually mean, Tom made the turkey.

Here's what we were serving up for Thanksgiving 2017!

Hehe, just kidding!

I didn't really have the foresight to take a lot of photos of our first Thanksgiving, but I can tell you that despite some stress (not leaving enough time to defrost the turkey... not entirely sure how long it takes to cook a turkey in our new oven...), things turned out great. Tom and I took care of the turkey, stuffing and dessert, and our family brought beans, brussel sprouts, potatoes and appetizers.

I made cornbread the day before, and Tom used it to make cornbread stuffing. It was AH-MAZING. We will DEFINITELY be doing that again! Here's a shot of the turkey, glistening, straight out of the oven.

And here are a shot of the pumpkin pies, modified from this Paula Deen recipe.

The food was consumed with gusto, and we are thankful to have shared the day with our family.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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