Saturday, October 21, 2017

Cross Stitch - Project Numbers

My sister-in-law, Ashley, has been an avid cross stitcher for many years, but it is something that I have never tried myself. Lacey's room features an alphabet that my mom cross stitched for my sister some 40 years ago, and two cross stiches from Auntie Ashley. I decided that I wanted to round off these stitches by adding one made by me!

I scoured Etsy and found a pattern I liked. Then I bought all my materials at Michael's. Finally, on the last weekend in August, I got started.

After about six and a half hours that weekend, this is what I had to show... Barely finished 1 of 9 numbers. This is when I thought... WHAT have I gotten myself into?

I had no idea that cross stitching would be such a long a tedious process. Luckily for me, I LOVE long and tedious processes! Ha!

Over the course of about eight weeks (and countless hours!), I slowly finished the cross stitch for Lacey. I cross stitched in the evenings after Lacey had gone to bed. I would squeeze it into every opportunity that I got. At one point I even considered taking it to work with me and cross stitching during my lunch hour (I never did, I was always too paranoid of spilling something on it, or getting it dirty during transportation).

And... The finished product!

I am super happy with it! It looks great on the wall next to Lacey's other cross stitched creations. And Lacey has been slowly learning how to count to ten. Although she doesn't understand what the numbers mean right now, we have been making an effort to point them out to her, and recite them so she can learn to identify them.

If you find yourself intrigued by the idea of cross stitching, I purchased my pattern here on Etsy. It was great, easy to follow instructions, and no difficulties from a first-timer!

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