Wednesday, July 31, 2013

There's No Place Like Home

It has now been six-weeks since the flood, and we are finally, FINALLY, home!
Home sweet home, it is!
Things are not entirely back to normal. The gas line to our BBQ is still turned off, and the parkades remain inaccessible. The streets in the community are packed with several hundred extra cars that would normal be tucked away in the parkade.
But we have hot water and electricity, and most importantly, are sleeping in our own bed! Never take for granted the comfort of your own bed.
I will not miss the excessive heat in our rental condo, the non-draining sink, the cupboard knobs that seemed to pop off their screws on a daily basis, the giant hole in the closet door, or the never ending clouds of cat hair that rose from every nook and cranny in the place-- no matter how many times we vacuumed!
HOWEVER, I will miss the proximity to Ashley and Andrew, the quick walk to the train station to get to work, and the truly spectacular sunsets.

Home sweet sweet home.

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