Sunday, July 14, 2013

Conflicting Reports

After hearing we could be out of our condo for another eight weeks, Tom and I decided to look into alternate accommodations. I spammed some property owners on, and found a couple who was willing to rent their condo to us on a short-term basis. We moved in on Wednesday.

So... Imagine our surprise when we received an e-mail from our condo property manager on Friday night, saying, the "City has relaxed the occupancy regulations to allow you to return while the repairs are taking place.  This occupancy is conditional, once all of the repairs are complete and inspected unconditional occupancy will be given."

The e-mail goes on to say that at this time, tap water is not potable, and drinking bottled water is recommended. There is no hot water or gas, and only partial electricity. No timeline was given for when those services would be restored.

My first instinct is to wonder-- why would anyone want to live in their condo when they can't shower, cook or drink water? The parkades continue to be completely off-limits to residents, which means the ~500 units of residents will have to find street parking if they want to live in their condo. Street parking was already a problem for our building, and that was with 500 stalls in the parkade. I can barely imagine what a nightmare it will be!

Last night we received a second e-mail staying that hot water will be restored by Sunday, and electricity can be requested unit-by-unit to be turned back on.

We will be attending a townhall for the condo buildings on Monday evening, which will hopefully clear up the many questions remaining.

In the meantime, I am not sure if I should be happy or not. Had we known turnaround would be this quick, we certainly wouldn't have tracked down a rental condo. Now we find ourselves wondering how soon we can get home, what life will be like in a condo under active construction, and how our new landlords will feel about us leaving so quickly. 

Wish me luck!

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