Monday, July 8, 2013

The Next Eight Weeks

The last two and a half weeks since the flood have been trying, to say the least. But Tom and I have been lucky in that we have an awesome support network of friends and family who have been willing to open their homes to us.

On Thursday night, our condo board updated their website, stating that, "Although a definitive timeline can not be given at this time, it is safe to assume at least two months of remediation and repairs before residents can return home."

Apparently all mechanical systems that were housed below grade were destroyed in the flood. I don't know what specific mechanical systems those include, but it doesn't sound good.

If you had asked me 17 days ago, on the night we were evacuated, if I thought we were going to be out of our home for upwards of 10 weeks, I would have told you you were crazy!

On the positive side, we're in much better shape than many other Albertans. All of our possessions are still intact, and we are now on the hunt for somewhere to rent for a few months. Things could definitely be a lot worse.

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