Sunday, April 22, 2012

Experiments and Experience

Friday was the 50th Annual Calgary Youth Science Fair. Weeks ago, Tom and I volunteered to be judges for the grade 5 and 6 students' projects. It was our first time judging, and we were not sure what to expect. I never went to the science fair when I was in elementary school, although Tom did!

I was blown away by my experience. I wasn't expecting the kids to be so eager and keen to share their work and knowledge. I judged five different projects on a wide range of subjects. Three were experimental projects on sleep, tennis ball performance and reaction time, and two were non-experimental research projects on tornadoes and the solar system. Each student or partner duo had a different style of presentation, and the time slipped away quickly as they rattled off facts and findings from their projects.

People milling around the Olympic Oval.

My favorite project was by a grade 6 student. His project tested how various products helped kids fall asleep. He tested the old wives tale of warm milk, sleep aid music and calming epsom salts. This little boy was overflowing with personality, when he declared, "I think the people who make this sleep aid music would go out of business if the results of my research was ever made public. Sleep music SUCKS! It keeps you awake." His hypothesis was that none of the sleep aids would help you fall asleep, but he was surprised to find that he, and all his test subjects fell asleep quickly when they consumed a warm glass of milk.

I was impressed by everything I saw, and how well the science fair was run. I'm sure I will be a return judge in the years to come.

Tom's mom dug up this old document from Tom's experience in 1995. I hope the kids we judged this year will hold on to their reviews for just as long.

Interestingly enough, all the things the judges had to say about Tom in 1995 are still applicable today! And he DID become a great scientist. Tom says he only vaguely remembers his science fair. He mostly remembers going to McDonald's after it was over...

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