Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Love You, Paul!

December 10th - Paul Brandt.

Those of you who have known me a long time are aware that I love Paul Brandt.

I am a huge fan.

I have all seven of his CD's; eight if you include his Christmas compilation. I buy his CD's the first day they are released into stores. I have seen him in concert three previous times, the first being in 2002 when I was only 18. This December 10th concert makes it my fourth Paul Brandt concert, and hopefully not my last.

The last time Paul toured, four years ago, I bought a water filter for "Turn on the Tap," a program through World Vision that provides water filters for clean drinking water in third world countries. After the concert, I waited in line for two hours so that I could meet Paul Brandt, get his autograph and photo. It. Was. Awesome.

This time around was the "Now" Tour.

This performance was no exception. Paul played new and old songs, mixed in a little Christmas, and even had a number from Canadian Juno winner, Greg Sczebel. Paul recognized members of the armed forces and their families by asking them to stand before one of his songs, and he continued his promotion for World Vision.

Paul and Liz Brandy, plus band.

The only downside was that Paul didn't play "Leavin" or "That's the Truth," which are mine and Jill's favorite songs. Nonetheless, we fully enjoyed the concert.

Paul Brandt does a rendition of Garth Brook's "Friends in Low Places."

Hopefully it won't be four years until his next tour. Can't wait!

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