Last time Tom went to Norway, he brought me back a toque as a souvenir. It really was a lovely toque, but Tom forgot that I have an abnormally large head, and the toque isn't quite large enough. If I don't keep the chin strings tired, the toque won't stay on.
Take 1: Too small Norwegian toque.
This time Tom brought me back a new toque. He got it extra large so there was no chance it wouldn't fit me! Moods of Norway is a Norwegian clothing line. It should be very warm for the fast-approaching winter.
Take 2: Extra large Norwegian toque.
Tom didn't take many photos of his trip, but here are a few from Stavanger.

Stavanger- November 2011

Stavanger- November 2011.
I really have no frame of reference, but this is how I imagine the Maritime provinces in Canada look. These shots are from Tom's last trip to Norway in February 2010.
Stavanger- February 2010
Stavanger- February 2010
Bergen- February 2010
Bergen- February 2010
Oslo- February 2010.
And now Tom is home-- jet lagged, but safe and sound! I think this concludes our international travels for 2011. More to come in 2012!
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