Friday, November 18, 2011

Artists in the Art Market

Every year the Telus Convention Center hosts an Art Market. I've attended for the last three or four years, and every year I end up oggling the artwork of Jim Nodge. I haven't been able to find much information about Jim, but a quick bio explains he is a farmer who has spent his life working with machines and metal parts. He says, "With my welder, my twisted imagination, and a bit of humor, I create creatures from familiar pieces." (Saskatchewan Craft Council)

Here are some examples of his work:

Photo Credit: Circle Craft Flickr

After all these years of oggling I decided that this was the year I was going to bring some of his artwork home! I thought this might be a problem because we are running out of wall space in our condo for artwork, but I made it work. This guy is the newest addition to our household!

A fish made ENTIRELY of utensils! It's so delightful I can barely stand it!

I did my yearly stock-up of Ultimate Gourmet hot chocolate-- we're trying raspeberry, dark chocolate orange, gingerbread and Belgian chocolate flavours this year.

I also picked up a new luggage tag since we broke our previous one coming back from Paris earlier in the fall. Mally Designs also makes the cutest leather bibs! It made me wish my niece and nephew were little again so I could buy them one.

I'm a big fan of the Art Market! Every year you are bound to find something unique or tasty.

Now I need to get cracking on sampling that hot chocolate...

Keep warm!

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