Sunday, August 21, 2011

Amanda vs. Mosquitoes (Mosquitoes Win)

I have survived the 55km loop in Mt. Rainier National Park!

As much as I would love to dive into a recount of the trip, I don't have all of Andrew and Ashley's pictures yet. They took a lot of great shots, and I'd love to include them in my post.

I also have a ton of wretched smelling four-day camping laundry to get through.

So I will leave you with this teaser....

Mosquitoes LOVE my blood, and I do not love mosquitoes. I have a terrible reaction to their bites which seems to only get worse as the years go by. Some people don't even notice the bites, but mine become unbelievably itchy the moment a mosquito bites me. It begins to swell almost instantly. Depending on the breed of mosquito, sometimes they turn into little blistered welts.

This trip, we were swarmed by mosquitoes. They landed anywhere there was exposed skin, and bit through clothing if it was thin material. Even bathed in deet, these mosquitoes didn't seem to care.

The bites on my arms swelled up to look like I had multiple elbows poking out in all directions.

Basically, I was one big mass of mosquito bites. Arms, face, shoulders, neck, forehead and legs.

Mosquitoes: 1, Amanda: 0

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