I literally have bruises on top of bruises.

The first set was from volleyball two weeks ago. The hardwood wasn't very forgiving when I was trying to dig for the ball.
The newest bruise is from curling. It does not quite match the ugliness of my knee bruise from last year, which I wrote about here. I didn't have a dramatic spill this time around. But I banged my knee into the ice enough to leave a pretty good mark!
On Friday afternoon our team at work met at the curling club for a little bit of team building. After a quick lesson on the basics of how to balance, slide and make your rock curl, we split off into teams of four. We played two quick matches comprised of two curling ends. Our little team lost both games, but we certainly had a good time.
The most notable moments were when an engineering tech and engineer tore the crotch on their jeans while throwing rocks. I guess that's why they told us to wear loose-fitting pants!
This was my third experience curling. I've had fun all three times I've gone. If I had more time in the evenings, it is a past-time I could imagine getting involved in regularly!
Here is a picture from one of my past curling experiences.
Hopefully there will be more curling in the future!
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