Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This week has gotten off to a rocky start.

On Monday morning I hopped in the car at 7:20am to make my way to the bus stop.

And then...


At 7:25am I had a busted up car, and a hairline fracture in my right foot.

Essentially, someone making a left hand turn on a yield on solid green light didn't bother to yield (to ME!). Instead, they smashed the front drivers side of the Versa. The Versa isn't even a year old yet! The poor girl isn't looking so good right now. She's at the autobody shop waiting to be assessed. The SUV that hit me didn't even look like it had a dent in it!

The lady that was behind me in traffic stuck around to be a witness to the accident. So insurance will definitely cover everything for us. The other driver was at fault!

And after I went to a walk-in clinic and got some x-rays, the doctor told me that the fracture in my foot is fairly minor. It's not all the way through the bone, and nothing is out of alignment. So I could be back to normal in as little as 7-10 days. I hope so! Hobbling around is really putting a cramp in my style! Other than some stiffness and soreness in my neck from the impact, I got off pretty lucky.

This is definitely an experience I have no desire to repeat.

Let's hope the rest of the week gets better.

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