Friday, June 4, 2010

Are You Blue, Yellow, Green or Red?

A couple years ago a took a course with my team at work. The course was for, "Insights into Team & Personal Effectiveness," which essentially means, understanding personalities and how to interact with them. The results of the course were a bit like a Myers-Briggs test. By the end, you had a better understanding of your key strengths and weaknesses, your natural tendencies, and how others with different personalities may percieve you.

( From Insights Discovery)

Personalities are broken down into four major categories. Blue, yellow, green and red.

Someone displaying "blue" traits is likely to be introverted, questioning and analytical. They like to think tehir actions through and have all the facts before they make a decision. They are thorough and systematic. They are likely a planner or organizer, and may prefer written communication in order to ensure precision when giving directions or making suggestions. Sometimes people that lean towards a "blue" personality will be seen as cold or reserved. They are also more likely to avoid confrontation, or keep an opinion to themselves.

Someone displaying "yellow" traits is likely to be extraverted, sociable and enthusiastic. They enjoy the company of others and like to have fun. They are always active, and thrive on the possibilities of tomorrow. Sometimes people that lean towards a "yellow" personality will be seen as excitable or indiscreet. They are also more likely to be seen as impractical or unrealistic during times of difficulty.

Someone displaying "green" traits is likely to be introverted, encouraging and caring. They value relationships and enjoy being thought of as reliable. They prefer democratic decisions and are sensitive to moods in social situations. Sometimes people that lean towards a "green" personality will be seen as docile or stubborn. They are also more likely to avoid making a descision that could go against their value system.

Someone displaying "red" traits is likely to be extraverted, determined and strong-willed. They are efficient and focused. They have little difficulty expressing what they want, and act quickly and assertively to achieve their goals. Sometimes people that lean towards a "red" personality will be seen as aggressive or overbearing. They are more likely to show little or no concern for personal relationships.

At the beginning of the course, I thought I was mostly blue. But it quickly became apparent that I'm also dominated by green. And at the end of the course, they give you this personalized profile based off of some multiple choice questions that you answered weeks before the course. I was blown away by how bang-on the profile was!

Something of interest is that people tend to find individuals with opposite colours to their own to be the most difficult to interact and relate with. Blue and yellow are opposites, as well as red and green. This is something that I think about all the time now when I meet new people or work with someone new. It's surprisingly easy to get a "colour read" of someone. On my old team, I worked with a lot of women, so there was a lot of green and blue personalities. On this new team, there's a bunch of men. In fact, as of now, I will be the only woman on my team. There is a lot of blue in the group (engineers tend to be analytical), but there is also a hellalotta red! So it's been a bit of an adjustment to figure out how to interact with everyone. It's something I'm definitely more observant of. I think it's a pretty good tool!


Most likely you'll be dominated by one or two colours over the other.

What colours do you think you are?

1 comment:

  1. I think I'd be bluish-green (jade?)... I generally don't have issue with yellow, but I can think of a few examples of red that I really don't enjoy dealing with.
