As you may (or may not) know, Tom and I are getting married on September 25, 2010.
I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to MY side of...
Ashley - Maid 'O Honour
Ashley and I met in September of 1999 when we started High School. I'm not exactly sure what nerdly pursuit we first bonded over (Band? English AP? Social AP?), but we hit it off quickly, and our friendship has grown over the past 10 years. In 2006 we travelled to New York together, followed by 2 months in Australia in 2007, and San Francisco in 2009. We make good travel companions because Ashley tells me what to do and where to go, and I generally comply with little-to-no protest. Before Tom and I bought our condo, Ashley and I were also roommates. She didn't seem to mind when I did mildly neurotic things-- like alphabetize her DVD collection.
Ashley is great because she can make light of any situation. She is thoughtful and always willing to lend a hand. She is also always willing to discuss the last girl to get kicked out of America's Next Top Model. She reminds me that it's not always necessary to be a cheapskate and that if you don't have a ready excuse to leave a party, sometimes you can get away by mumbling nothing, and exiting quickly.
Heather - Bridesmaid
In 1991, Heather attended my second grade birthday party. We've known each other a really, really long time. When we were in the sixth grade (or maybe seventh?) we made some sort of pact that if we weren't part of each others wedding parties, we could pee on the other persons lawn. What do you expect? We were eleven.
This is a pretty old picture of Heather, so it should be noted that this isn't an accurate representation of her hair. Once when the passport office called to confirm Heather's identity, they asked me, "What colour is Heather's hair?" And I said, "Well... Naturally. Brown. But it changes a lot." They replied, "What colour was it the last time you saw her?" And I answered, "Black and pink."
Since we grew up together, many of my earlier memories involve Heather-- and a lot of laughing. What I like best about Heather is that she is full of logical, helpful advice. She is thoughtful and independent. She has strong opinions, and is not afraid to voice them. For example, once she threw an orange at one of those trucks that drives around with the disturbing abortion pictures on it. That's Heather in a nutshell. Totally. Awesome.

Steve - Bridesman
Steve and I also met in High School. This time, I am certain it was in Social AP, but we also spent English AP, Art 30, and in University, Geography 201, together as well. For two summers we worked together, and had an excellent lunch-time arrangement where I would eat the unwanted pickles from his A&W Mama Burgers. When we were in Australia, we were bunk buddies (not like that, people, get your mind out of the gutter!!). Steve took the top bunk, and I always took the bottom bunk. This was a good arrangement because Steve doesn't swear like a sailor in his sleep like SOME people. *Cough, cough, Jeff*
Sometimes... I'm not sure why Steve and I are friends. He reminds me on a regular basis that I'm entirely hopeless with witty comebacks. He tells me I'm short (I'm not! I'm above average!), and that I should be considered a disabled driver because I'm female and half-Asian. And he once called me an illiterate harpy. The sentiments, "I hate you, Steve!" have passed through my lips more times than I can count. But he's solid, honest and dependable. Despite his propensity for being a huge jerk, Steve is still, and will always be, one of my BFF's.
"JDiva" Jeff - Bridesman 2.0
This is Jeff. He's a Bridesman 2.0, because he is the new and improved version of a Bridesman. I don't know exactly what that means. I just want to imply he is better than Steve.
Like Ashley and Steve, the basis for my friendship with Jeff was set in High School. Through Social and Science AP, we bonded over class projects. When we entered University, Jeff and I joined "sister" faculties, Geology and Geophysics. When we graduated, Jeff and I were able to nerd-out about rocks all through Australia.
Jeff has quite a reputation about multiple things-- sometimes totally deserved. He is a human garborator (he finishes unfinished meals), he is a singing diva (hence, "JDiva"), he loves side boob (right, Shauna?), he has curb-stomped something, and he can do basic math because, duh, he has Bachelor of Science. Jeff also has a reputation for being an awesome friend. Once back in early 2003 or 2004, he walked through a Calgary snow-storm in December to deliver some flowers when my family dog died. I'm not even sure if I thanked him enough back then. This is just one of the reasons I know Jeff will always be there if I need.
There you have it! Now you've met my side of the wedding party. You have to admit, they sound pretty fantastic. Right?
Next I'll introduce you to Tom's side of the wedding party.
Stay tuned for Profiles of a Wedding Party: Part 2, coming soon!
These are awesome! However, some things need clarification.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm pretty sure our friendship began when you sat next to me in band, poked me in the leg and creepily said "We're gonna be friends!" with your big, buggy creep-O eyes. It was friend-love at first sight!
Also, you say you "generally comply with little-to-no protest." The hell. I had to do a three minute puppet show with salt and pepper shakers to convince you to get them... for $6!! I call BS my friend, BS. :)