Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ravioli and White Girls

"Ravioli and White Girls" just doesn't have the same ring to it as "Wontons and White Girls." But my adventures with foods that require wrapping, continue...

The pasta makers. Left to right: Mallary, Christina, Aly, Jill, Paige and Jasmine

Jill and Mallary's love for cooking is well known. After Jill's somewhat disasterous experience with spinach ravioli (i.e. massive quantities, and 4 hours of her life she'll never get back...), she and Mallary decided to give it another, more experienced, go. So on Saturday, we headed over to Mallary's place for some homemade pasta.

When I arrived, the dough was already made, and Jill was putting the finishing touches on the filling-- ground turkey, sundried tomatoes and cheese.

With Mallary's newly acquired pasta maker, Jill, Paige, Christina and Mallary took turns cranking the dough through the machine to flatten it out.

Jill and Paige flatten the dough.

Once the dough was flat, it was set out on the table to dry out (just a little bit). When the pasta was at a proper consistency, we painted it with egg wash (this makes the pasta stick together), and started rolling the ravioli. Paige and I acted as roller/pinchers, and Aly and Jasmine acted as filling scoopers. Since the pasta is in long strands, you add a little bit of filling on the end, fold it over and pinch. Then you cut it off to make an individual ravioli.

Jill demonstrates rolling/pinching techniques.

Ravioli finished!

With so many of us, we made quick work of the ravioli making. There was only one minor egg wash spill-- everything else ran smoothly. After all that scooping, pinching and rolling, we were worried the ravioli might fall apart in the pot. Being mainly geologist and engineers, we agreed on an easy solution. We ran a test boil on a couple pieces before we made the whole batch.

Test run boil. None of the stuffing came out-- success!

Since the test boil went off without a hitch, Mallary and Jasmine boiled up a batch for everyone. With a little sauce, and some cheese-- they were fantastic!

Yum yum yum!

Are you hungry now?

Mallary and Jill, great idea! I think everyone had a great time.

Word is there might be a third installment of foods-that-need-wrapping. Next up, perogies! No pressure, Jasmine!

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