Thursday, February 25, 2010

Aspiring Artist

With the exception of some very sketchy "powder" paints that I used in 2003, it's been about 8 years (since High School art class!) since I've picked up a paint brush. I've always liked painting. I like blending colours and creating texture. And I like seeing the scene of the painting unfold across the canvas.

After Tom bought me some acrylics paints for Christmas, I finally set aside some time to put them to use. These koi fish were my first attempt. The original (which I have attempted to replicate), was a Chinese brush painting in water colours. You definitely don't get the same result with acrylics, but I'm pleased nonetheless.

The second painting took me nearly four hours to finish! It will eventually have a sister painting on a canvas the same size to hang beside it. I'm not exactly sure where we will hang them (wall space is at a premium in our condo), but the previous owners left holes all over the walls, so I'm sure we'll find a suitable location.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amanda,

    Want to paint me some awesome art for that big empty space by my kitchen table? I'll even commission a work and pay you! How does a big ol' Starbucks giftcard and my unconditional love sound?

    Seriously, I'd love a painting from you!
