Update: Tom has safely landed in Norway. There was some fog in Calgary that he was a bit worried would delay his takeoff, but it sounds like his flight left on time. It also sounds like he enjoyed his first class experience! Apparently he had a smoked salmon salad to start his dinner. He then had a choice of three entrees (he had Butter Chicken), which was followed by a selection of cheeses, and three kinds of ice cream! He also had some champagne, and pancakes (although, not at the same time). Stavanger, Norway is 8 hours ahead of Calgary. So I'm sure right now Tom is getting some much needed rest.
And now... The actual post.
Two years ago, Steve was writing a blog of his own (http://not-a-good-idea.blogspot.com). Much to our disappointment, he eventually ran out of steam and stopped updating-- but during his time as a blogger, he wrote a series of Odes to his good friends (including yours truly!).
Recently I was perusing some of Steve's old posts, and noticed the the Ode he wrote about me was written on February 7, 2007. Exactly two years since today. So I thought I would re-post his Ode for your entertainment.

The Last Ode? Perhaps?
By: Steve
1) Amanda is Not Especially Clever
Some people are going to be all like, "Ouch for Amanda!" or "Steve is a super-jerk!" but I still find Amanda's slow wits to be more endearing than insulting. I must stress that I don't mean to imply that Amanda is unintelligent. Far from it, in fact! Amanda's at least 3 times as smart as I am. It's just that when it comes to a witty put-down, she's always left in the dust. Amanda sets herself up beautifully for my insults, and as I result I feel like a pretty cool dude everytime I burn her. Tha't partially what makes her an awesome friend.
2) Amanda May be Narcoleptic
Narcolepsy isn't really a positive attribute, but it kind of makes me feel sorry for Amanda, so it bears mentioning. Amanda has a habit of falling asleep during movies, a habit which I find bizarre and more than a little disturbing. I mean, we've all fallen asleep during boring movies at some point in our lives, but likely it isn't something we do on a weekly basis. Amanda throws convention straight out the window and falls asleep whenever she damn well pleases. As a result, Amanda can not be trusted to give accurate movie reviews. For example, if Amanda were to say that a movie was particularly bitchin', I couldn't help but think her sleepy nature has left her movie judging skills fundamentally flawed.
(Fun Fact! Narcolepsy is quite a bit different from Narcophilia, which is itself quite different from Necrophilia. I can't stress this enough.)
Some people are going to be all like, "Ouch for Amanda!" or "Steve is a super-jerk!" but I still find Amanda's slow wits to be more endearing than insulting. I must stress that I don't mean to imply that Amanda is unintelligent. Far from it, in fact! Amanda's at least 3 times as smart as I am. It's just that when it comes to a witty put-down, she's always left in the dust. Amanda sets herself up beautifully for my insults, and as I result I feel like a pretty cool dude everytime I burn her. Tha't partially what makes her an awesome friend.
2) Amanda May be Narcoleptic
Narcolepsy isn't really a positive attribute, but it kind of makes me feel sorry for Amanda, so it bears mentioning. Amanda has a habit of falling asleep during movies, a habit which I find bizarre and more than a little disturbing. I mean, we've all fallen asleep during boring movies at some point in our lives, but likely it isn't something we do on a weekly basis. Amanda throws convention straight out the window and falls asleep whenever she damn well pleases. As a result, Amanda can not be trusted to give accurate movie reviews. For example, if Amanda were to say that a movie was particularly bitchin', I couldn't help but think her sleepy nature has left her movie judging skills fundamentally flawed.
(Fun Fact! Narcolepsy is quite a bit different from Narcophilia, which is itself quite different from Necrophilia. I can't stress this enough.)
(Amanda Aside: I'm pretty sure my narcolepsy has gotten worse over the last two years. Case in point-- I pretty much slept through the entire third Die Hard movie during our Die Hardathon.)
3) Amanda Makes All the Plans
Everyone in my circle of friends is such a lazy bum, that we don't usually do something unless Amanda makes us. She may be most responsible for the group being friends for so long. Actually, now that I think about it, Ashley makes a goodly amount of plans as well. Am I the only one who refuses to make plans? This is serious food-for-thought.
(Amanda Aside: Steve still doesn't make any plans.)
4) Amanda is a Geophysicist, or Something Like That
In the future, if I ever need some physics done, I can just turn to Amanda! Actually, I guess shed only be really useful if the physics in question took place underground or something. I'm not too entirely sure if I will make use of her services ever. Geo-science doesn't really directly impact my life that much.
5) Amanda is the One Who Suggested I do This Series of Odes
To be honest, theseodes haven't ended up being as funny as I thought they'd be when I started them. You can direct all hatemail to Amanda.
(Amanda Aside: I never got any hatemail! Everyone loved the original series of Odes.)
4) Amanda is a Geophysicist, or Something Like That
In the future, if I ever need some physics done, I can just turn to Amanda! Actually, I guess shed only be really useful if the physics in question took place underground or something. I'm not too entirely sure if I will make use of her services ever. Geo-science doesn't really directly impact my life that much.
5) Amanda is the One Who Suggested I do This Series of Odes
To be honest, theseodes haven't ended up being as funny as I thought they'd be when I started them. You can direct all hatemail to Amanda.
(Amanda Aside: I never got any hatemail! Everyone loved the original series of Odes.)
6) Amanda Keeps Me Up to Date on All the Latest Gossip
Amanda knows all the good stuff, or at least possess the ability to retell it in a good way. Other people try to give me some gossip, but it usually sucks pretty bad. Amanda's anecdotes are kind of like the jokes from Seinfeld in that they all kind of are based around awkward human interaction. The sociologist in me loves this kind of humour on a geeky, pseudo-scientific level. Amanda has a good grasp on that kind of stuff. Also, when telling me this stuff, we're drawn back to my first point: Amanda leaves herself open for good natured ribbing / serious insulting. Good times.
(Amanda Aside: Two years later... And really, not that much has changed! Thanks for letting me revisit these good times, Steve-o.)
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