Monday, December 30, 2019

Winter Break 2019

The winter break felt like it would never arrive! It marked several milestones this year, the biggest one being, 18 months for Scarlett (how did she get to be a year and a half old already?!) and six whole months back at work for me. The feeling like I'm drinking from the fire hose has slowed down, and I think I'm starting to figure out this work life balance. Sort of.

On December 23 while I was at work, I managed to snap this super cool photo of the Calgary Tower in the a foggy morning sunrise!

But this winter break, we were able to put work behind us (sort of), and focused on some uninterrupted family time.

One milestone this year, was that Lacey was not afraid of Santa. She marched right up to him, sat with him, and told him how she wanted Anna's coronation dress, and a skipping rope for Christmas. Scarlett, on the other hand, was dead terrified of Santa, and wouldn't even look at him. 

The weather cooperated for us, and we were able to go toboganning! I don't think Lacey remembered our precious sledding adventures. Scarlett, ever the dare-baby, thought it was the greatest thing we'd ever done. There was plenty of squealing "MORE! MORE!" 

We went skating... Lacey HATED it. I think she thought she was going to get up on her skates and go-- she hadn't thought about how hard it was going to be!

We went swimming with Auntie, Uncle and Zoe!

We went to check out the Zoo lights, which turned out to be a huge hit for both Lacey and Scarlett. Their favourite was a flashing dinosaur, that Lacey named "Roar Roar".

We had a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house at Christmas, and everyone thought that was a fun time (despite not everyone having a great sleep...)

And as you can see, Santa fulfilled Lacey's wish for a Anna's coronation dress!

We packed a ton into our Christmas break. 

Happy holidays, from our family to yours!

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