Monday, December 2, 2019

Big Z Turns One!

My lovely little niece, Zoe, is turning one!

What a lovely, giggly little sweetheart! Watching Zoe pass all the milestones this last year has been so fun! She's a picture of her Mama, and has that wonderful baby-laugh that makes you smile when you hear it. She's determined, stubborn, and curious! She is every-intrigued by her big cousins, Lacey and Scarlett. And I love that Lacey and Scarlett have the opportunity to be big cousins to someone else! 

The other thing I love about Zoe, is that she has done things so differently in her first year, than our girls did. Scarlett and Lacey approached their milestones at different times, but they did most of them in very similar ways. But Zoe has approached life differently, and it's her own unique and adorable way!

My sister-in-law and I were lucky enough to have six months of our maternity leave overlapping. So we were able to hang out a few times, and took a Mom & Baby exercise class together.

Zoe's 1st Birthday has allowed me to do two things. First of all, make some pretty pink puppy cupcakes, after her pink poodle stuffie.

And craft to my heart's content. 

I've recently discovered sewing felt, and I put it to good use by sewing a bunch of fruit and vegetables for Zoe to play with in her new kitchen.

Happy 1st Birthday, Zozo! Auntie, Uncle, and cousins love you! 

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