Friday, May 3, 2019

The Fearless Dare-Baby!

In the last month or so, we have seen an explosion of personality in Scarlett.  It's with a mixture of pride, joy, and a healthy dose of trepidation, that we watch her becoming her own little person.

What we have quickly learned about Scarlett is that she doesn't want to be left out of ANYTHING. And she is fearless. This has earned her a reputation of being an adventurous dare-baby. Or, more commonly referred to as, Adventure Baby.

Since her first steps at nine months, she has now mastered walking, and is currently deep into the thrill of climbing. Anything and everything.

For example:

The stool climb. This is obviously our fault. This has "climb me" written all over it.

The chair to table climb (note that one sock is missing).

The one legged chair stand. Because standing on a chair isn't dangerous enough, it has to be one-legged as well.

The toy climb. 

And finally, the most dangerous of all. The climb-and-stand-on-something-with-wheels stunt.

Lacey was definitely not as big of a climber as Scarlett has turned out to be. Much of that is because we didn't have all the toddler furniture and toys around when Lacey was 10 months old. Quite simply, there weren't a lot of things for Lacey to climb on. Scarlett has had her fair share of bonks and head bangs, but it doesn't slow her down. Not one bit!

Your guess is as good as mine... What will Adventure Baby climb next!?

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