Tuesday, February 13, 2018

San Diego

San Diego is about a two hour drive away from Palm Springs. After spending four days in Palm Springs, we hopped in our rental car, and drove to the coast. 

San Diego was a big change in comparison to Palm Springs. It wasn't as warm, and we stayed in a hotel-- which felt very cramped after the luxurious stay in our sprawling Air BnB bungalow. One of the benefits of the hotel was a beautiful view at sunset.

There were plenty of places to see and explore, and we started with the San Diego Zoo!

The San Diego Zoo is HUGE. The infrastructure is way beyond any other zoo that I'd visited before. The enclosures were elaborate, and there is a gondola that takes you from one end of the park to the other. 

There were lots of animals that Lacey had seen before, but never so up close. She got a front row seat for a pair of male tigers, and a gorilla came right up to the window and sat beside her. 

She also got to see an elephant for the first time!

The following day we went to La Jolla Cove. It was a weekend, and the park was riddled with families like ourselves, walking around with small kids. There was a man in the park blow bubbles-- giant ones and little ones, with various equipment. And there were hordes of kids running around trying to chase the bubbles, and Lacey joined right in. She was full of glee running around after everyone!

There were also some very stinky sea lions at La Jolla Cove. Stinky and noisy.

We took advantage of our last morning in San Diego, and did a long beach walk. Lacey likes to poke at things in the sand, and watch sea gulls. And we found a big playpark for her to play in. Swings are always a hit!

After that, we loaded ourselves back into the car, and drove back to Palm Springs so we could catch our flight home. 

Overall, a great trip. And it really helped that it was freezing cold and snowing at home-- so it was the perfect time for a getaway!

This marks the last trip that Lacey can make as a "lap infant". Next time we travel, she'll be big enough to have her own seat! 

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