Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Cat Cake and Turning 7

I have a vivid memory of baby-sitting my niece when she was eight or nine months old back in 2011. For whatever reason (most likely separation anxiety), she could not handle being near Tom. The very sight of him caused her to burst into hysterical tears, so it was a very long afternoon. Tom played with our nephew in one room, and I hung out with our niece in another. If he stuck his head into the room to see how we were doing, she would immediately start to cry.

So when I see the exuberant 7-year old in front of me, it's hard to imagine that all this time has passed by so very quickly. 

This year my niece requested a cat cake for her birthday party, and I am VERY pleased with the final product. I dug the design up from a post from the lovely ladies at CocoCakeLand.

From what I can tell, it was well received at her party!

Only scraps left.

Happy Birthday, sweet niece!  

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