Wednesday, August 17, 2016

This Girl's Got... Personality

Over the past few weeks, Lacey has become incredibly mobile. She rolls, she wiggles, and she gets where she wants to go. She is getting into all sorts of trouble, knocking over her diaper supply bin, attempting (unsuccessfully!) to roll off our couch, kicking our potted plants...

In addition to her newfound mobility, Lacey is showing us more and more of her personality. And it turns out, she's a bit of a clown. Here are a few moments I've managed to capture on camera.

I left Lacey on her back on the penguin pad, and left the room to clean the bathroom. When I came back she was like, "Oh! Hello, Mom! I'm over here!"

"Mom! Somehow I capsized my playmat on myself!"

" I found the books!"

"ALL the books!"

"I will read this one."

"I rolled under the table, and I am very upset about it!"

" I am digging my way to China, under this pillow."

"I defy gravity. No big deal."

"I'm sucking on dad's face!"

"And grandpa's face!"

"I grew tired of the toys you provided me, and rolled over here so I could chew on the baseboard."

And this one is my personal favourite. I came back from getting my breakfast, and this is what I found...

Every day, I don't think it is possible to love this little girl more. But I do!

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