Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Does It Pass the Lacey Lick Test?

I know, it's no new thing for a baby to put everything in his or her mouth. But I think all the things Lacey samples during any given day is pretty funny.

"Delicious coffee table leg."

"Om nom nom, Mom knee."

Apparently dad's hairy leg is nothing to write home about.

"I ate my sock."

"Bleh! It doesn't taste good!"

"Yummy yoga bag strap!"

"Sunglasses go in my mouth."

"Mmmm... Planter!"

After the planter licking episode (not to be confused with the dirt eating episode from a few days before), I moved our house plants around so they are less accessible to curious babies named Lacey.

And finally... Toes. The best part of this video, by far, is that there is just saliva ALL OVER her face from all the slobbering.


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