Monday, December 8, 2014

N'Awlins, Louisiana

I can hardly believe we've already reached December of 2014. The year has, without a doubt, passed faster than any previous year I can remember.

With Tom starting on a new team at work in April, and him working through his drilling season from September to the end of November, we were not able to go on our annual fall trip as we have in previous years. Instead, we decided to take a week off near Christmas to check out New Orleans, and visit his friends in Houston. We figured that this trip would revolve mainly around eating and sightseeing (as any good holiday should!), and so far, we have been correct.

We are staying in the Warehouse District, which is full of art galleries and trendy little shops. We spent the morning of our first day in New Orleans getting our bearings, and wandering around in the French Quarter. We eventually made our way to the Audubon Aquarium where we spent a few hours enjoying the displays of marine life.

A white crocodile (not a true albino, his eyes are not pink_

Little shrimpy, giving me the eye.

Creepy cuddlefish. Not at all cuddly.


Blue shellfish.

When we were finished at the aquarium we made our way back to Jackson Square, and to Cafe Du Monde. We had passed the cafe in the morning and had been horrified by the gigantic line. The crowd was a manageable size in the middle of the afternoon. Cafe du Monde is known for it's coffee and beignets. So, surprise, surprse! We enjoyed lattes and piping hot beignets, covered in a gleaming mountain of icing sugar.

 Tom's steaming latte.

Beignets, french doughnuts.

We headed to Bourbon Street for a seafood dinner, and finished booking two sightseeing tours for the following couple of days. A swamp tour, followed by a plantation tour.

More to come later!

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