Monday, December 1, 2014

Chistmas Bakeathon V5.0

Christmas is inevitably one of those times of year when you find yourself reflecting on family and friends. This is the fifth year (ha! I had to go back in my blog to confirm the date) that Paige, Mallary, Jasmine, Jill and I (or some combination thereof), have gotten together to bake up a Christmas cookie storm. But before I get into the baking, let's consider the randomness, and series of individual choices that led us all to this baking moment.

Us five girls are from all over the country. We grew up, in no particular order, in Regina, North Bay, Brampton, Calgary and Sherwood Park. We chose different Universities, and varying career paths-- but they all led us to one single company. Here we crossed paths, forged friendships... And five years later, we're carrying on strong! A lot of things have changed over the past five years. Some of us married, some of us started new jobs, one of us is a mother... Yes, lots has changed, but some things remain the same. The baking tradition carries on. Thanks for the good times, girls!

And... Because we like to go big or go home, we outdid ourselves this year with 11 different recipes, packed with sweet sweet deliciousness.

Check out the variety of goodies I am now hoarding at home...

 Goodie-stuffed Tupperware.

1) Lemon Ricotta Cookies
2) Chocolate Chip Coconut Caramel Pretzel Cookies
3) Salted Caramel Chocolate Squares
4) Ginger Corgies
5) Fudge
6) Coconut Snowballs
7) Chocolate Truffles
8) Chocolate Bark
     - Chocolate, white chocolate, candy cane
     - Bitter chocolate, white chocolate, salted peanut
9) Chocolate Sparkle Cookies
10) Strawberry-Raspberry Cheesecake Squares
11) Yum Yum Squares

Ahh... The majestic corgie...

Nothing says "Christmas" like Ginger Corgies.

And yes, this chocolate bark is as delicious as it looks...

Chocolate, white chocolate candy cane bark.

Hope this is helping you get into the Christmas spirit.

Happy December!

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