Sunday, August 31, 2014

Copper Ridge/Chilliwack River Trail, North Cascades - Part 3

One of my favourite things post-hike is getting my hands on Ashley and Andrew's photos. It always amazes me how we hiked the same trail in a little line, one after another-- yet their photos show a different perspective than ours.

Enjoy this photo bonanza!

Ashley and I testing our hiking poles in the parking lot on Day 1.

A tiny bug landing on an alpine flower.

Tom and I in the cable car.

Ashley and Andrew on the trail.

View from a riverside snack stop.

 My man, eating lunch on Day 2.

Salmon swimming in the river.

Tom piggy-backing me across the river (so I wouldn't have to get my feet wet and re-bandage them).

A few from our lunch spot on Day 3.

A grouse (bottom right) surveying the valley.

Ashley traversing some leftover August snow.

A marmot peeping at us on a windy slope.

Tom and I up on the ridge.

Alpine flowers near the highest point of elevation.

Egg Lake campsite.

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