Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Hair-Raising Adventures of Foxy Foxington

Meet Foxy Foxington. Foxy was a $12.95 impulse purchase at Chapters that has resulted in a few minutes of delightful diversion at work each day.

Handsome but hairless,  Foxy was on a quest to grow one magnificient head of hair.

First, his head needed to be soaked in water.

 Foxy Foxington

Next, in the most morbid of steps, his head needed to be covered with a plastic bag for 4-5 days. One might think that putting a plastic bag over his head would be a bad, bad idea... But the bag provided a trap for humidity to get his luscious head of hair sprouting.
Foxy inside his own personal sauna (aka plastic bag).

And what do you know? By the fourth day, Foxy's hair was taking root!
Foxy's first sprouts.

At this point, my work time diversion was rudely interrupted by the weekend. I filled up his water supply to the maximum, and hoped for the best over my two day absence. When I arrived at work on Monday morning, I was pleased to see that Foxy's hair had gone wild!

One week of Foxy's growing.

Foxy required a little bit of foxscaping. He had a few errant face and eyeball sprouts that needed to be plucked. And he also had a serious bald-spot in the middle of his head. So I filled up his water supply and let him grow.
By the next day, Foxy's bald spot was filling in, and he was ready for his first hait cut!

 Foxy's first hair cut.

And two days later...

 Foxy feeling pretty.

With the long weekend approaching, I filled up Foxy's water, and gave him a buzz cut. One of the best parts of giving Foxy a haircut is that it fills my office with the smell of fresh cut grass. For a moment, I feel like I'm outside somewhere... Instead of chained to my desk!

Foxy sporting his new buzz cut.

God, I love Foxy Foxington! He sucks down water quite quickly, so I hope he makes it through the four-day weekend!

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