Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ptarmigan Cirque

Last weekend, Tom and I did a short hike on Sunday afternoon. We drove out to Kananaskis Country near the Highwood Pass to hike Ptarmigan Cirque. This is a family friendly hike-- about 700ft of elevation gain (mostly at the beginning), and only 4.5km round-trip.

The short hike was in effort to toughen up my blister-prone feet before our annual backpacking trip in August. That hike will span 54km over 4 days in the North Cascades National Park in Washington State.

During the first 20 minutes or so, it rained a little. But they were short showers, and we were mostly sheltered by the trees.

When we emerged from the treeline, there was an open meadow filled with wildflowers and a bubbling brook. The trail was very busy with Sunday-afternoon hikers, so we didn't have to worry too much about bears.

We were treated to blue skies for the rest of the hike, and the chattering of gophers all around us.

Tom and I hiked up a little higher to check out the cirque. A cirque is a bowl-like or ampthitheatre-like valley that is formed at the head of a valley glacier by erosion. The cirque was full of loose scree, with a bit of snow that hasn't had the opportunity to melt yet.

Overall the hike took about 1.5 hours. It was a nice afternoon outing to end the weekend.

I am hoping to get two more hikes in before out North Cascades hike. Hopefully one more next weekend on the August long weekend, followed by a third attempt to hike Crypt Lake in Waterton National Park the following weekend.

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