Thursday, May 15, 2014

Chicago: Part 2

Where did I leave off?

Ah yes! Navy Pier.

I'm not really sure I "get" what Navy Pier is. I *think* it's an amusement park? There was a Ferris wheel, there were rides, and there were food stalls, but not a lot of them were open yet. I assume that is because we weren't visiting during peak tourist season. Also, Navy Pier is currently undergoing a face-lift, or a "re-imaging", as the signs said.

What Navy Pier did boast was a lovely view of a slightly dilapidated lighthouse, and some sweeping views of the city.

A lighthouse.

Chicago Cityscape.

Walking back to our hotel after Navy Pier felt long the longest walk imaginable. By that point, we had probably walked somewhere around 15km total for the day. We rested for a little while back at our hotel before heading out for dinner. And after that? Well, we walked around some more.

We headed back to Millenium Park to take a second look at some of the public art displays. We went back to see the Cloud Gate at night, and were able to capture some of my favourite photos from the trip.

We finally managed to locate the Crown Fountain. This fountain is an interactive piece of public art by Juame Plensa. It has been in Chicago since July 2004, meaning it is coming up on it's ten year anniversary in the park. Although my photo is of the wrong side, the reverse side shows images of faces smiling, laughing, and occasionally blowing water out into the fountain.

Crown Fountain.

 Juame Plensa is also responsible for a public art installation closer to home-- what we fondly refer to as, "The Big Head" at the Bow.

On our last day in Chicago, we took (another) long walk to the Field Museum. We spent the day at the museum wandering from exhibit to exhibit. It was an excellent museum with lots to see.

On our way home, we passed some vibrant daffodils!

For our last night, we decided to try the highly, highly recommended Purple Pig, for dinner. Purple Pig is a known for cheese, swine and wine. We ate cornbread with a Mediterranean twist, marinated olives, a charcuterie platter, a mixed cheese platter, and finally... Tom convinced me to try roasted bone marrow with herbs.

Am I interested in trying bone marrow again? Sadly, no. Not at all. But I'm glad I tried it.

Before flying home the following afternoon, we made one last stroll past the bean before we boarded the train to head to the airport. Then we waited in the airport for an additional two hours while our flight was delayed... But overall, it was a great trip!

Thanks, Chicago!

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