Sunday, December 29, 2013


On Thursday I was Boxing Day shopping in the Core when I ran into a friend, C (who I suspect might not be super-enthused about being named on a blog). Anyway, C is known to be a talented and industrious knitter. Upon running into her, I immediately commented on her beautiful scarf.

"C, did you knit that!? I love it! It's beautiful."

To which she replied, "Do you want it?"

"What? Oh no, that's okay." 

"No, seriously. I like it, but I don't love it. So if you love it you can have it.

"I can't take your scarf from you in the mall!"

"Sure you can!"

And she unwound it from her neck and gave it to me.

Heh heh heh, and I DO love it.

And if there's any question about whether I'll be toasty warm for the rest of the winter, I can assure you, I will not be. Because I also upped my scarf collection one more this Christmas from my mom, with this beauty!

What I really need now, is one of these scarf organizers... Because my collection is getting out of control.

Happy holidays, everyone!


  1. A scarf organizer with that many holes can only lead to the purchase of more and more scarfs.

  2. This is true. I like scarves almost as much as I like shoes.
