Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rainbows, Insects and Bumper Cars

The last few weeks have been trying for Tom and I, for reasons that I won't get into. But we're both glad to say that we were here for our family when they needed us.
For the time being, I don't have much else to blog about. But I thought I'd share some pictures from the last few months that I have been diligently instagraming!
A rainbow! We can clearly see which house contains a pot of gold... Those leprechauns are not as wily as they think they are... Let's go loot it!

A raspberry... With some sort of insect eggs on it. Finding this was pretty gross. I don't think I actually ate any of the raspberries in this container (too many thoughts of insects hatching in my stomach-- which I know is COMPLETELY ridiculous, but there you have it!). I've never seen this kind of hexagonal egg pattern before, so the scientist in me was intrigued! Does anyone know what kind of insect eggs these were?
Here is my co-worker destroying small children on the bumper cars at Calaway Park. Our team went here a few weeks ago for some team building. At one point while we were waiting in line for a ride, a dragonfly landed on my face (seriously, on my FACE), and a shrieked like a banshee. I know, I know, dragonflies are harmless. But it was HUGE, and it landed on my FACE. Cut me some slack!
Kittens! I'm not really much of a cat person, but I can certainly appreciate cuteness. These are three kittens that my Ashley's parents discovered in their garage at their cabin. Ashley took the kittens, along with their momma to a rescue organization so they could be fostered.
And finally (I thought it was worth mentioning), today is our three year wedding anniversary!

Tom and I in February of 2006, a few months after we first started dating.

Tom and I two weeks ago in September 2013.

Happy Anniversary!

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