Saturday, September 28, 2013

'Dem Birds Be Angry

Cupcake ingredients.

In recent years, I've started to do more and more baking. I've always enjoyed baking, but in particular, I've come to love cupcakes. They are perfect little single-sized portion of cakey delicious, topped with fluffy icing. The combinations of flavours are endless, and it's so easy to make them into eye-appealing works of art. There were Jasmine's wedding cupcakes in April 2012, my niece's birthday cupcakes earlier this year, and Ashley and Andrew's wedding cupcakes.

This year I volunteered to make cupcakes for my nephew's fifth birthday. He has recently become a bit of an Angry Bird junky.

I used my go-to vanilla cupcake recipe (at my nephew's request), and whipped up a batch of white chocolate cream cheese icing. Then I separated the icing into four even portions. Next comes the food colouring-- a gel paste. The colour in the gel paste is more concentrated, so the food colouring is less likely to change the consistency of the icing (i.e. it won't be runny).

White chocolate cream cheese icing.

After applying a liberal amount of coloured icing on each cupcake, I then rolled them in red, yellow or green sprinkles. This gave them a darker colour, and (I like to think) makes them more appealing to kids.

Then I went about decorating them with an orange triangular sour for a beak, a few dobs of icing for their chest and eyes, black gel icing for their eyebrows and pupils, and finally, some Skittles to add some bird-like decorations. 

Rolled cupcakes, and my first angry bird.

For the pigs, I halved a marshmallow for their snouts before rolling them in icing and coloured sugar, and reserved a red Skittle for their tongues.

And here you have it, a set of Angry Bird Cupcakes! Perfect for a 5-year-old's birthday party!

Angry Birds-- and pigs!

I can't help but be very pleased with the results.

More Angry Birds and pigs.

Happy 5th Birthday, Dylan!

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